
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Personal statement of UC application Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Of UC application - Personal Statement Example Although I still consider myself a young person, I have been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to spend an entire summer interning for my father’s real estate firm in mainland China; performing the job responsibilities of an accountant. While in China, I was able to learn the rudimentary elements of basic business accounting while at the same time becoming accustomed to the Chinese laws that governed its implementation. There is no doubt that I have a great deal of further knowledge to be gained in this field by pursuing a major in accounting; furthermore, I am intrigued by the ways in which the lessons I learn from my education will be amenable to better performing accounting with relation to Chinese firms or American firms. Likewise, what intrigued me about this particular line of work was the precision that it involved. As opposed to many career choices I could make, accounting provides me with the rare opportunity to leverage my superior skills and intuition with mathematics alongside my interest in the law and how it governs financial regulation and actions within a firm or organization. Additionally, while working during my internship I noticed that I had the unique ability to concentrate and focus in a way that allowed me to handle complex levels of information. Additionally, once back within the United States, I began to work in my father’s Tea Shop managing the accounts and keeping the books for the business. Although this is the epitome of a small business and not nearly as complex as the skills that I will learn with relation to the degree I am pursuing, this experience has also taught me the overall importance of precision and certainty when dealing with the financial aspects of management as they relate to accounting. Although I have been fortunate to have a father that has entrusted me with such important tasks, I would very much like to grow beyond this and master the skills

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