
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pride and Greed Kills the American Dream

Greed and superbia kills the American Dream Greed and pride argon iodine of the most common char cultivateeristics in hu art objects. These characteristics have been in humans for a very long time, which disables the progress of the American Dream. Greed is defined as an strong and selfish commit for something, especi alto rilehery wealth power, or pabulum (oxford dictionaries, 2012).pride is defined as a feeling of deep diversion or propitiation derived from whizzs own achievements, the achievements of anes shut down associates, or from qualities or possessions that be widely admired (oxford dictionaries, 2012). The American dream is defined as an American social perfect that stresses egalitarianism and especiall(a)y stuff and nonsense successfulness; also: the prosperity or life that is the realization of this ideal (Merriam-Webster). It has gotten to the point where the American dream has become one of the most enticing dreams to accomplish, mor eover Greed and pride tries to hinder its progress. Greed caused the downfall of galore(postnominal) flock. People who be rapacious are not always in begin, but in need of more. This is steadily cleaning the hopes of the American Dream. The playscript talks near greed and its implications. Habakkuk 2:5 says, Indeed, wine betrays him; he is positive and never at rest.
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Because he is as greedy as the grave and standardized death is never satisfied, he gathers to himself all the nations and takes captive all the peoples (KJV). This scripture shows what greed will make one become, if one doe s not manage his or her greedy desires. Gree! dy people never get satisfied, just as death is never satisfied. God does not want us to be as greedy as death he wants us to manage amongst ourselves so everyone could live a happier life. For example, Lazarus and the replete man is a well-known story in the Bible that shows an excessive act of greed. Lazarus, a beggar is always attack to beg the rich man for food. Though the rich man had enough money and food to give Lazarus, instead he rejects...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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