
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Macbeth Play

Reflection Macbeth Play In this semester, our class should make a swordplay found on the overbold called Macbeth by William Shakespe are. This assign based on the assignment make itn by the lecturers. We should accrue bug out a play from some separate of the novel. This task should be completed within 4 months in front ready to evaluate. Macbeth is a name of the main char functi adeptr in this novel. At the hold on of the story, he died because someone had killed him. depression of all, we were divided into 8 throngs. severally crowd consists of 5 students and individually student should have at least one grammatical case in this play. Each root can accept whatever act and nip from this novel but there could non make off the act. For example, if they want to occupy act 4, there should adopt setting that consist in that act. They could not skip the act and choose another scene from other act. later on elected the conventioninging members, we were discus sing to defineher to choose which act that we want to act for the task. My group members are Dzulkifli, Emily, Hafiz and Azie. Our group leader, Emily, choose some scenes from different acts. After we choose the act and scene, we choose the character for everyone in this play. Second, I gained a trade of noesis from this experience. Firstly, about the cooperation between the group members.
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Everyone should give in overflowing cooperation during practice because it is very meaning(a) to make that play perfect. If everyone not give a full cooperate, we cannot do it seriously and it exit not perfect. Furthermore, each group members should give a offer with! each others. Maybe one or two members are not veracious in acting. As group members, we should give an advice and support them to become good actors. Thirdly, each of the members should take province. It is because responsibility will make our betterment run smoothly. For example, if some members came new-fashioned for practice, the practice will start late. This knowledge is very meaning(prenominal) to me. This knowledge teaches me how to become a responsible...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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