
Monday, November 25, 2013


From: Yaming Chu To: Ms. Hope Hawthorne Section: Eng105-59 Pages: Chapter 3 piece of pen to intelligence and to hear chief(prenominal) idea: the relationship between information and writing Part wholeness: Organizing and synthesizing information 1. Effective appriseers need to get up and synthesis information to manipulate it usable. a. gear up what you learn in a logical manner. b. Organize your notes by putting them into a spreadsheet like Excel. c. As you adjudge notes, synthesize the information. 2. Invented hearing/ unsent letter a. In an invented interview, you are the interviewer; a citation whom you are studying is the interviewee. b. You should put your questions into an unsent-letter format so that you perplex a specific audience you are writing to as you generate interview questions. E.g. Page 42 bottom c. pass off on beyond the limits of your initial response to an event or a person. Part Two: Using chart a nd visuals to divulge and to learn 1. Using visuals is often a way for writers to research ideas and memorise and understand what they are writing about. 2. Cluster and idea mapping a. They washstand help us to visualize plagiarise ideas and to understand relationships among ideas. 3. act flowchart a.
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It is another visually utilitarian tool for converting information from literal to visual form. b. It allows you to translate some(prenominal) paragraphs of information into a clear, heavyset visual that can recognise hard concepts easier to understand. c. It indicates how things move towards a system. Part Three:! analyse for exams 1. It is important to foretell the questions that depart be asked and review the channel material more efficiently if you study for tests strategically. 2. Test questionsanticipate tests a. Steps b. Ask the instructors the kinds of questions that you should anticipate; e.g. multiple-choice c. Go done your class notes and reading notes, making sections that you telephone are apt(predicate) to be covered on...If you want to build up a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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