
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Child Obesity

As a father, I am greatly unhinged about(predicate) the epidemic that it is taking rove in this country. The conundrum of corpulency in our progeny is deeply disturbing considering I am Mexi tidy sum-American and wee-wee twain children of my own. Mexican-American children have higher place of obesity than children of another(prenominal)(prenominal) races. The rate for girls between the disturb along withs of five and cardinal is 27 percent. I have two girls under the age of three. It is also the fact that obesity seems to be a socioeconomic problem that bothers me. It seems the best way to repeal this epidemic is to snuff it rich. Although being rich would help, it is understanding where this epidemic is coming from that allows us to begin the process of stopping it. legion(predicate) studies have shown that a bigger contributor to childhood obesity isnt the standard of toss out food advertisements children be opened to, but the amount of telly th ey repute. One 2003 study reason out that children who watch three or much seconds of television a day are 50 percent more apt(predicate) to be obese than kids who watch fewer than two hours and that more than 60% of overweight incidents can be linked to unnecessary TV viewing. Another nominate that in 12- to 17-year-old adolescents, the prevalence of obesity increased by 2% for each additional hour of television viewed.
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According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, when you include videos, DVDs, and other prerecorded shows, children watch about four hours of television a day. Times that by heptad days a workweek and that means kids, on average,! are spending slightly more than an entire day in front of the boob tube. The amount of television viewed shouldnt come as a complete bewilderment considering the average home directly has more televisions (2.73) than people (2.55) and unitary third of children as newfangled as six have a television in their bedroom. I believe another huge factor is the well-read lifestyles that are taught by parents. Parents of young children who watch a piling of television are scope an example for...If you want to get a full essay, purchase order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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